The courses are timed as per the requirements of your court, we do not control the amount of time required for a course.
You must spend a certain amount of time in the course per your court requirements, as well as, a certain amount of time in each lesson and topic before you can take the end of course quiz.
The timer counts up in time as you move through the Lessons and Topics. Certain Lessons/Topics require at least a minimum of 2-3:00 min in each before you can move on to the next Lesson/Topic.
You must complete each Topic within a Lesson before you can move on to the next Lesson.
IMPORTANT: When you log into the website, you must use the original email or username and password you set up when you registered for the Course. If you enter an incorrect Username/Email or Password the website will LOCK YOU OUT of your account for 4 hours. You have 3 attempts to enter the correct Username/Email and Password before it locks you out of your account. You can reattempt to log into your account AFTER 4 hours of the “Lockout”.
*This is a security measure designed to protect your personal information.
**PLEASE write down the Username/Email and Password you entered when you register so you do not get locked out of your account.
If you have any questions or concerns please email us at and we will contact you as soon as we possibly can.
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